Our Services

Cleaning Services

Residential Cleaning

Basic Clean: dust, wipe down surfaces, kitchen cleaned, bathrooms cleaned, floors vacuumed and mopped
Deep Clean: tasks from basic  + exterior of cabinets, doors, door frames
Tidy Time/Resets: Tidy Time is a 100% customizable appointment that includes light picking up, laundry, interior vehicle clean out, tackling deep clean tasks on a rotation. Laundry can also be booked as a pick up/drop off service. Reset is an appointment that includes things like changing bedding, picking up, bathroom wipe downs, vacuum floors. This is a less in depth cleaning and gives the client a reset space.
Move In/Move Out: ranges from basic wipe downs to in depth, top to bottom cleaning

Add Ons: These can be added to any cleaning option, by themselves, and room specific to customize your service.
Two levels:

hair/dust removal


Two levels:

hair/dust removal


Oven Cleaning
Interior of Refrigerator:
Pull everything out, clean off bottles, clean interior of the fridge, tidy and put things back inside

Pantry Tidy:
Pull everything out, clean shelving, tidy and put things back
Wall Cleaning
Light Fixture Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning consists of: dust, clean windows, clean bathrooms, clean kitchen/break areas, empty trash bins, vacuum and mop floors.

Energy Clearing Services

For Residential & Commercial: Identifying blockages in the space, clear out that negative and stagnant energy from the space using multiple modalities, bring in uplifting light energy to the space.